“Quality First”
“Respond to the needs of the customer.”
Since its inception in 1949, Matsuo has been manufacturing electronic components in accordance with its company motto, stated above.
Matsuo has been driven by its customers’ ever increasing demands for smaller sized higher performance products. Throughout the past fifty years, Matsuo has been a pioneer in the development of Tantalum and Film Capacitors. These capacitors remain to this day Matsuo’s main product lines, and are sought after by a large global customer base which consists of companies in the computer, automotive, telecommunications, aerospace, industrial, and consumer products markets.
Matsuo’s name has become synonymous with Quality, and Matsuo components continue to be highly regarded around the world for reliability and performance.
Notes on Navigating our Web Site:
At the top of every page you will find a Navigator Bar, like the one represented below, that will take you to the main Sections of our site. Also, note that by clicking on the “Matsuo Logo” you will go to the Home Page.

Every main Section of our site has a specific context menu that can link you to the most important pages of that section.
Our goal is that this site will provide you an easy way to find the information you require with a minimum of time and clicks.
Most Important
We want your visit to our site to be both enjoyable and meaningful and would welcome any comments or suggestions you might have. If we are not meeting your requirements, let us know and we will take whatever actions necessary to make sure you feel comfortable navigating through our site or adding content that you need from us. Please send your comments to: [email protected]